Medicare & Medicaid Cost Reports

Medicare Cost Reports

Each year, HW&Co. prepares hundreds of Medicare and Medicaid cost reports for our clients, in addition to the following services:

  • Cost Report Preparation & Review
  • Benchmarking
  • Management Analysis

Medicare and Medicaid cost reports serve varying rate setting, reimbursement, and settlement purposes by provider type and state. For all providers, submitting accurate cost reports is not only required by law, but it also ensures the programs have the best available information when making changes to the reimbursement systems.

You can rely on us to have a complete understanding of cost reporting requirements, rule changes and reimbursement systems specific to your provider type.

In addition to preparing your cost report, we’ll provide an in-depth facility-specific management analysis and benchmarking report. These reports can be as valuable as the filed cost reports themselves. Our management analysis includes multiyear trend analysis specific to your facility. The benchmarking report allows you to compare your facility’s financial, staffing and census results to other Ohio facilities.

In other words, at HW&Co. the cost report is more than a compliance document. An accurate cost report is a stepping stone to a valuable summary of key information about your business, information we want you to have.